The Holocaust Stamps Project (Canada)
About Our Project
Ongoing Projects
A Philatelic History of The Holocaust
About The Holocaust
Our Objective
goal is to collect 1.5 million stamps, each one representing the life of a child killed in The Holocaust.
These stamps will be used for Holocaust education through our various ongoing projects.
We currently have received and counted over 360,000 stamps (24% of our target).
Many 10s-of-thousands more stamps have been donated and will be counted by
volunteers after the current Covid isolation rules allow for this to proceed safely.
Our History
The Holocaust Stamps Project (Canada) was launched in early 2018 after the original Holocaust Stamps Project
(based in Foxborough Massachusetts, USA) achieved their objective of collecting 11 million stamps - one for each life
(6 million Jews and 5 million "Others") lost in The Holocaust.
Rather than allowing this very important initiative to simply run its course, David Pangborn (a former donor)
decided to expand the mandate globally, starting in Canada, with the support and mentorship of Charlotte Sheer
(the founder of the original project) and Jamie Droste (Foxborough Regional Charter School).